How far can you Zoom: 5 ways to survive online learning.

Written by Infinite

Gone were the days of sneaking away from the lecture theatre when the class is boring. Now all you need to do when the class gets boring is to leave the Zoom meeting with a click of a button (if you dare). Universities around the world are pushing for online learning to combat the spread of the global pandemic. Some of you might be considering pursuing a degree online, and some of you are no strangers to online learning. Since online learning is here to stay, why not make the most out of it?

An abundance of tools at your service.

These days, the beauty of online learning is that they are supplemented by various technologies that make learning easier and somewhat manageable. You can have google calendar to track your class; using Evernote to make your notes, or even organise the task you do via Trello. There are just so many options to organise your study flow! If you are unsure which apps or software to use, speak to Dr Joe Lim today and we can sort out a workflow that works just for you!

More Ways to Communicate.

To make it easier for yourself, you should familiarise yourself with new forms of communication online. Aside from a class-related social media page, most online classes utilise forums for easy communication. Instead of waiting outside a physical office, or unable to find your classmates on campus, these platforms allow you to ask class-related questions any time you want. For example, Piazza is great for asking short questions. Both students and teaching staff will be able to see your question and reply accordingly. Camaraderie + convenience = AMAZING.

Keeping up with the…Zoom etiquette.

Just because everyone is online doesn’t mean you should forego your human manners. Don’t be that person who speaks over others in a Zoom meeting, or get caught rolling your eyes over others’ comments; eating loudly during a Zoom call etc. Be a nice person like you would in the offline world. Like the name suggested, Zoom allows people to zoom into your behaviour more clearly (pun intended) so behave yourself!

Don’t be like Bill.

Prepare your questions beforehand.

A lot of students that I have come across tend to forget this. Yes, you do have to prepare for your online classes and office hours. If you rock up and not have anything prepared, the online environment can make it just that much harder to understand what you are trying to get at. It also makes it slower for you to get to your questions, which will take up others’ time to ask their questions. Don’t be that person. Be kind to others, like Aunty Cindy said.

Finally: Have a Zoom party and/or study groups.

It used to be a little tricky to organise study groups for students. People have to be in the right place at the right time. Now you can join in from anywhere. If your classes have an online Zoom study group, this will be a fantastic place to be. Not only you get to know your classmates better, but you also get to improve your grades together! If the study group is not where you want to be, a Zoom party can be fun. Nothing beats a Friday wine night with your classmates and talk about the hot goss in your class

Sangria for the virtual party?

If you are starting online learning, and not sure where to begin, Joe can help! From workflow planning to how to use specific apps and software to make your life easier, Dr Joe Lim is your go-to!